Historical review of the founding of AFDP (Asian Federation of Dietetic Professionals) now AFDA (Asian Federation of Dietetic Associations) |
1988 |
Leh-Chii Chwang visited President Connie Chan of Hong Kong Nutrition Association
Dietetic professionals from Hong Kong (Warren Lee), Korea (Kim Byung-Goo), Singapore (Susani Karta), and Taipei (Leh-Chii Chwang) met at the 14th International Conference of Nutrition at Seoul, Korea
1989 |
1990 |
1991 |
At the 6th Asian Congress of Nutrition at Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, the Asian Forum of Dietetic Professionals (AFDP) was formally established with the following members: 1. Hong Kong Nutrition Association 2. Indonesia Nutrition Association (now Indonesian Dietetic Association) 3. Japan Dietetic Association 4. Korean Dietetic Association 5. The Nutrition Society of Malaysia (now Malaysian Dietitians' Association) 6. Nutritionist-Dietitians’ Association of the Philippines 7. Singapore Nutrition and Dietetics Association 8. Taipei Dietitians Association (now Chinese Dietetic Society (Taiwan)) 9. Thai Dietetic Society (now Thai Dietetic Association)
The elected officers of AFDP were: * President – Leh-Chii Chwang of Taipei Dietitians Association * Secretary General – Murni ID Prakoso of Indonesia Nutrition Association
It was decided that the first conference would be held in Indonesia to be hosted by Indonesia Nutrition Association in 1994
1992 |
1994 |
The 1st Asian Conference of Dietetics in Jakarta, Indonesia, Oct 2-5, 1994, organized by Ms. Murni Prakoso
- Drafting the Constitution by Dr. Ching-Hwa Chiu of Chinese Dietetic Society (CDS, Taiwan)
1998 |
The 2nd Asian Congress of Dietetics in Seoul, Korea August 9-12, 1998, organized by Ms. Suh Eun Kyung
Donation of Dr. Chwang Leh-Chii, Asian Dietetics Award began
Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA) joined AFDA as an affiliated member
2002 |
The 3rd Asian Congress of Dietetics in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 18-21, 2002, organized by Dr. Fatima Arshad
- Compiling the Constitution by Dr. Susan Lui of Hong Kong Nutrition Association (HKNA)
2006 |
The 4th Asian Congress of Dietetics in Manila, Philippines, April 23-26, 2006, organized by Dr. Demetria Bongga
Pakistan Nutrition & Dietetic Society (PNDS) joined AFDA as a new member
Completion of the Constitution
2007 |
Adoption of the Final Version of AFDA Constitution on Sept 14, 2007 at AFDA General Assembly in Taipei, Taiwan, post the 10th Asian Congress of Nutrition
2010 |
The 5th Asian Congress of Dietetics in Bangkok, Thailand, November 10-12, 2010, organized by Dr. Sunard Taechangam
Completion of AFDA logo designed by Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA), Nutritionist-Dietitians' Association of the Philippines (NDAP) & Hong Kong Nutrition Association (HKNA)
2014 |
The 6th Asian Congress of Dietetics in Taipei, Taiwan, August 21-24, 2014, organized by Dr. Chwang Leh-Chii
- Indian Dietetic Association joined AFDA as a new member
2015 |
2016 |
The 1st Asian Dietetics Forum (ADF) held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Theme: Benchmark Asian dietetic education and qualification, organised by Chinese Dietetic Society (CDS, Taiwan) & Malaysian Dietitians' Association (MDA)
- Launching the AFDA website, Ms. Carmela Lee of Hong Kong Nutrition Association (HKNA) serves as the webmaster
2017 |
The 1st Asian Dietetics Workshop (ADW) held in Taichung, Taiwan, organized by Chinese Dietetic Society (CDS, Taiwan)
2018 |
The 7th Asian Congress of Dietetics in Hong Kong, July 6-8, 2018, organized by Mr. Gordon Cheung & Mr. Frankie Siu
- Donation of Dr. Ching-Hwa Chiu Asian Outstanding Young Dietitian Award began
2022 |